VPS Visual Problem-Solving
Comprehensive Solutions That Last
If your problems are chronic, costly, and complex, if you want every employee to be a problem-solver, if cross-functional thinking is a cultural goal for your company, if you want solutions that last… then learn our VPS Method.
Most popular problem-solving tools rely on brainstorming and happenstance to find single-point/silver-bullet solutions. But these are not reliable partners when a company facing challenges and conditions that are complex, chronic, and entrenched. Structure is needed as well as subtle, cross-functional thinking. One has to dig deep and keep digging.
Welcome to the ScoreBoard Method: Visual Problem-Solving for Chronic, Complex, Costly Problems
The ScoreBoard Method is a comprehensive process that lets you:
- a) Solve chronic, complex, costly problems systematically
- b) Implement sustainable solutions that are tested and verified as part of the VPS process
- c) Build self-leadership and high-performing, cross-functional teams
* Previously called “The ScoreBoarding Method.”

What We Teach
The ScoreBoard Method is driven though project teams which follow the VPS step-by-step process that begins with a rich, clear problem description, highly-diverse cause generation, accountability by individual and teams, and comprehensive solution-making.
- Many VPS-Projects focus on persistent lead-time issues, such as bad quality and/or low productivity.
- VPS’s highly-structured method is ideal for reliably finding and achieving innovative outcomes—for example, related to product and process development and design.
- VPS-Projects are devised to achieve their targets within 90 days.
- Incremental targets are installed for longer-term outcomes.
- VPS-Teams focus on systematic fact-finding, not fault-finding—and comprehensive solution-making, not mere brainstorming or jumping to conclusions.
- Problems are deliberately segmented to make them small enough for teams to get their arms around and solve thoroughly.
- Causes are systematically linked to solutions which are then vetted, tested, and tracked before adoption.
- While some solutions are low-risk/low-effort, others need to be carefully developed and deployed, steps which VPS is masterful at achieving.
- Project teams learn to work with discipline, self-accountability, and a bias for action.
- The highly-visual/highly-structured ScoreBoard-Diagram is at the heart of the visual problem-solving process.
- Using a visual paradigm of human behavior, specific VPS steps are taken to ensure that all solutions are visually deployed and visually sustainable.
- Through the VPS-Method, many key high-performance practices become a part of the company improvement mind-set—including a growing allegiance to the process (not to home departments) and a commitment to the next operation as the customer.
The VPS-Process builds improvement leadership on enterprise, department, and personal levels.
Who Attends.
The VPS-Workshop is best attended by improvement-minded people who want to lead improvement projects that promote and deploy systematic problem-solving and solution-making that lasts. The workshop is specifically designed for companies that want to train managers, supervisors, team leads, engineers, trainers, and/or CI specialists in a structured problem-solving method that is highly visual, led, and collaborative. Actual VPS-Projects are launched as part of this workshop.
Contact us.
Workshop Specifications.
Our Scoreboard Workshop is full of great learning and strong practice … an intense 2.0 to 3.5 day hands-on training, depending on the number of teams you decide should get trained.
BELOW is the topic agenda for the workshop, whatever its length.
ITEM 9 NOTE: Project Practice Sessions are always scheduled during the workshop, often populated with the actual teams who will participate in given ScoreBoard projects you launched directly after the workshop.

Your fee includes.
- Five onsite follow-up visits, during which we observe, support, and troubleshoot the problem-solving progress of each of your ScoreBoard Projects.
- Two online coaching sessions with Dr. Galsworth providing clarification, reinforcement training, and troubleshooting.
- A complete ScoreBoard Method Participant Manual for each participant (100+ pages).
- A digital VPS-Resource Folio with electronic forms, exercises, checklists, and print-ready ScoreBoard-Diagrams which you can produce at will.
Contact Us.
Kindly contact us with your questions or when you are ready to schedule your first ScoreBoard/Visual Problem-Solving Problem-Solving Workshop. Contact us.