Ep 17. Doorways 5-10:The Best of the Rest
Posted by Dr. Gwendolyn Galsworth |
This week, your host and visual expert, Dr. Gwendolyn Galsworth concludes her walk through her 10-Doorway Model; she discusses the final six doors. First, Doorway 5: use visual controls and visual pull systems to regulate-balance the consumption/replenishment of material.
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Then move to quality. Doorway 6 targets poka-yoke devices (aka., “visual guarantees”) so you can control the behavior of cause on the attribute level. The result? The end of mistakes and with that, zero defects. Doorway 7 is next: Apply methods from the six previous doorways to a new outcome: the Visual Machine®—let your equipment speak. Similarly, apply those same six methods in Doorway 8 and achieve the Visual-Lean® Office. In Doorway 9, set up a Visual Macro Team for creating visual linkages between departments, enterprise-wide. And in Doorway 10, implement a comprehensive self-audit system, based on a compelling array of visual principles. Align and unite the company visually. Let the workplace speak.
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