Ep 33. X-Type Matrix: The Power of Limits
Posted by Dr. Gwendolyn Galsworth |
How can structural limits be useful to Executive Leaders? Study the X-Type Matrix and find out. In this episode in her visual leadership series, Gwendolyn Galsworth delves into the importance of the very limits the X-Type incorporates in its layout.
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More than any other visual leadership tool, the matrix teaches executives their most important function: how to say yes to the few and wait to the many. As the X-Type teaches us discipline and clarity, it also guides us in developing greater skill in deciding and driving on ever finer levels of detail and effectiveness. The X-Type teaches—and it does not waiver. It doesn’t give an inch. You learn … or the tool stops helping you. Set it aside, blame the tool—but the X-Type merely waits until we learn the lesson it was designed to teach: We will fail as leaders if we do not curb our appetite and cultivate discernment—lean-ness in thinking and action. This is why the X-Type Matrix is the supreme vehicle for attaining our improvement future.
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