Ep 49. Work That Makes Sense: 5S is about Compliance, not Development
Posted by Dr. Gwendolyn Galsworth |
What the difference between operator-led visuality—Work That Makes Sense— and 5S? Is it such a big deal anyway? This week Gwendolyn Galsworth, author of the Work That Makes Sense book and her Online Training System of the same name, gives the low-down on why she wrote the book.
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Making sharp contrast between WTMS and traditional 5S, she notes: “5S is about compliance and the proper relationship between work and dirt.” White-glove cleanliness and order anchored in lines and labels mean employees do better work because they feel safe. WTMS achieves that—plus a stable, spirited, contributing, and engaged workforce. Listen as Gwendolyn delves deeper into i-Driven visuality in the second driving question: “What Do I Need to Share.” Hear how it generates concentric circles of connectivity—and builds servant-leadership amongst hourly employees. Learn her “First-Question-Is-Free Rule;” apply it in the morning. This show also introduces Standards, the second Building Block of Visual Thinking.
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