Ep 36. Metrics That Drive & Problem Solving That Aligns
Posted by Dr. Gwendolyn Galsworth |
What happens when supervisors use metrics that drive—instead of measures that merely monitor? This week, Gwendolyn Galsworth (host/visual expert) shares the telling difference as part of her Visual Leadership series. The focus?
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The role of supervisors and managers as leaders of improvement. Too many managers falsely believe that posting KPIs on a dashboard or bulletin boards will trigger improvement. They are wrong. When they deploy visual metrics instead, they illuminate cause, build local ownership of the problem, and use those metrics that drive us down the causal chain—and bridge naturally over to visual problem solving (VPS). Traditional PS organizes the noise around a problem. VPS doggedly pursues cause in the nested, multi-layered construct where cause resides. There is no silver bullet solution. Listen as Gwendolyn also shares her perspectives on—and experiences with—CEDAC®, ScoreBoarding, Rolls-Royce/Aerospace, Sheldalh, and Sumitomo’s great practitioner: Dr. Ryuji Fukuda.
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