Ep 46. A Workforce of Visual Thinkers: A Scan of the 10 Doorways (3)
Posted by Dr. Gwendolyn Galsworth |
Is it enough for value-add associates in your company to become visual thinkers? Is that what it takes to let the workplace speak?
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No matter how many line employees invent and implement splendid visual solutions, they represent only part of who needs to learn how to think visually. True success in visuality means that every organizational level learns to create visual devices. This week, your host and visual expert, Gwendolyn Galsworth, adds to her discussion of her Work That Makes Sense book as she scans her 10-Doorway Model so you can understand for yourself how everyone—from buyers to engineers, planners to machinists, supervisors to CEOs—can learn to make the workplace speak. From visual displays to visual standards, visual metrics to visual problem solving, visual pull systems to the visual control of material, and visual quality to poka-yoke systems, imagine what it would mean for your company to become a fully-functioning visual enterprise. Imagine what it would mean for you.
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